Monday, September 15, 2008

Guilty Pleasures

In my transition to green living, I have found few things hard to give up or integrate into our new way of living. However, there are a few things that are a bit more challenging than others.

For me, the biggest one would have to be our SUV. I'm almost ashamed to admit that we have one and am always quick to add that it is a Honda Pilot, one of the best SUVs out there in terms of environmentally friendly SUVs. It produces less emissions than most and gets fairly decent MPG compared to other SUVs. And really, I do LOVE my Pilot, but no matter how I spin it, it remains the evil in the garage. If we hadn't just bought it a year and a half ago, I would probably want to trade it in for a hybrid of some sort, since they seem to be popping out all over the place now....oh well.

The other guilty pleasure in my life is Zip Lock bags! In my stunning realization last week that I was still using them and that they are something that I need to give up, I found that I wasn't sure how I could give them up! How would I freeze raw chicken or store opened bags of cookies? Of course there are other solutions, like storage containers of some sort, and I suppose I just need to find them and make it happen. That is a guilty pleasure that weighs a bit too heavy on the mind and of course a bit easier to get rid of then a $30,000 vehicle...

What are you having a hard time giving up in order to be a be more green?

1 comment:

Lizzie said...

Giving up toxic cleaners was a simple task, but giving up paper towels has proven to be quite hard for me. Most of the things in my life I struggle to change for a greener alternative ultimately comes down to ease and convenience. I like what I like, I'm used to my way of doing things. But, once I break the cycle I never look back! Let me know if you come up with a great alternative to plastic bags. Good luck.